Saturday, October 5, 2013

Elphaba Thropp ( a new townie, in hiding)

"Loser."  "Weirdo."  "Psycho."  Elphaba has always been, well, different.  Born in Midnight Hollow to a mother that shuned her and a workaholic father, Elphaba learned to manage just fine on her own.  She helped care for autistic sister when her mother drank too much, which seemed like everyday.  Elphaba only seemed to befriend animals, people stayed away from her.  She grew up believing her green hue was contagious.  Her mother died from giving birth to her baby brother and her dad worked even longer hours.  There were constant rumors traveling through Midnight Hollow.  Her skin, her mother's infidelity, her father's secret friendships.  They all weighed on Elphaba.  She couldn't wait to leave her family, leave for the university and lead her own life.

Elphaba studied veterinary medicine and lead various protests campaigning for animals rights.  Her green skin alienated her from many people at school but she did manage to make a few close friends and a few annoying acquaintances.  Elphaba and her roommate Galinda somehow became involved in the occult after attending a lecture on witchcraft.    After graduating college, Elphaba thought she'd leave her witchcraft skills behind at college.  Little does she know...  

She got a job right away in Bridgeport where she worked at a Veterinarian office.  While in Bridgeport, she became the subject of an investigation where a warehouse, known for it's animal testing practices, was burned to the ground.  She denied any involvement and no evidence was found linking her to the crime.  It was around this time, Elphaba began a relationship with Fiyero Vinkus, an old friend from school and a married man.  They fell in love.  He understood her fury to protect animals and she loved how his mind met her own.  One evening, Fiyero was waiting for Elphaba to come home.  He was attacked and put into a coma.  His assailant is unknown, but Elphaba knows they were after her for payback for the burnt down warehouse.  

Elphaba left Bridgeport and is hiding our in Dragon Valley.  She fills her time with reading her old occult books from college.  She learns, practices, masters the art of witchcraft.  She is ready to fight her enemies, help animals and save her beloved Fiyero... 

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